Integrate NGSS in your curriculum and take STEM to the next level in the classrooms!
We are proud to present a unique professional develop opportunity to enhance your teaching prowess and invigorate your classroom experience. Our professional development workshops are designed to fit seamlessly into your busy schedule, making the most of your lunch break or any available time slot.
Introducing our innovative professional development series, designed to empower educators like you to integrate seamlessly:
Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)
Science and Engineering Practices
Environmental Literacy Standards (STEELS), Pennsylvania
Technology integration
Environmental Education Principals Supporting EcoStewardship
States with modifications to state-specific science standards and elements can have workshops modified to fit their standards frameworks.

Beekeeping Programs
We offer a variety of programs for backyard beekeepers designed to educate and engage students, communities, and corporations about the importance of bees as a pathway to conservation.
Our Beekeepers in Education Programs brings hands-on learning experiences to schools. Schools can contact Beekeepers through our directory to bring lives honey bees to their classroom.
Through our Adopt-a-Hive Corporate Beekeeping Program, corporations can support sustainable beekeeping while enjoying the sweet rewards of their own honey harvest from their campus beehive.
Our grants for backyard beekeepers empower aspiring beekeepers to raise awareness about the vital role of bees, contributing to local biodiversity and pollinator health.